Refund & Cancellation
There could be situation where students may want to discontinue or cancel for different reasons or circumstances. As we are committed to provide quality education that too ethically, therefore, we’ve accordingly provided clear terms for refund and cancellation below. Any disputes to be resolved by directly calling the counselor on 9999149355 or 8750081919 or by emailing your concern. If it may lead to legal case, then case should be filed in Sessions, District or High Courts of Delhi.
Cancellation Policy
At any point, student feels to cancel the services or product/ or both then no refunds will be provided. For cancellation, students are requested to send an email containing student’s relevant details to with subject line: “Cancellation” + Course Name.
Learning Skills Institute can also decide to cancel the access to the services and class materials in case of dispute, indiscipline, and any other relevant reason as may find fit.
Refund Policy
From the outset, all students are conveyed that no refund requests are entertained except only under the following circumstances, students will be provided refunds:
- Students request for refund immediately after the payment and before access to online classes.
- Learning Skills Institute decides to discontinue the said course.
If payments are made through payment gateway then all refunds will be processed through same payment gateway. Or if direct bank transfer was the payment mode then the refund will be processed to same bank account number. Note, there can be deductions for payment gateway charges, registration charges, processing charges, taxes or other charges as deemed fit.
For any further information, please contact counselors on 9999149355 or 8750081919 (10 am to 6 pm) or email us at